Friday, November 20, 2009

IU vs Purdue, The Battle Continues

Indiana Unversity plays Purdue at a home football game tomorrow. The spirit of this football weekend comes from the long standing athletic competition between the two schools. Usually when I bring up IU football with people here, everyone seems to know how many games we lost while few know the IU fanfare and other songs. So in preparation for November the 21st, 2009, I decided to word the two most important IU Songs in this blog. Go Hoosiers!
Indiana, Our Indiana
Indiana, Our Indiana
Indiana, we're all for you
We will fight for
the Cream & Crimson,
For the glory of Old IU - (I U)
Never daunted, we cannot falter
In the battle, we're tried and true
Indiana, Our Indiana
Indiana, we're all for you!
Our Cream and Crimson School... (I U)

Indiana Fight!
Fight for the Cream and Crimson,
Loyal sons of our old IU
Fight for your Alma Mater,
and the school you love so true.
Fight for old Indiana,
See her victories safely through,
For the glory of old IU.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I got the H1N1

So in the midst of dealing with the busiest semester of college so far, I ended up with the flu last weekend. Unfortunately, it wasn't the seasonal flu, it was the much dreaded H1N1. I was in my room for pretty much the entire weekend and most of the week. I don't know where I caught it from, but I guess the flu just seems to be doings its rounds from one student to another. Now that I have had the swine, I can confidently say that unless one has previous medical complications, getting the swine is like getting any other flu. Atleast that's how it was for me besides a couple of random sever symptoms.

Staying alone in my room for 3 days wasn't much fun or was it? I watched TV, microwaved food for myself and slept. FUN. It was a good break from life in general, but I couldn't help but remember all that I was missing and would have to catch up on. However, now that I'm done catching up, it wasn't so bad after all.

I'm scheduled to receive my Swine Flu vaccine this coming week too and I wonder if I need it anymore. Yet, I'd rather be safe than sorry. I'll be getting my vaccination so I shall bid farewell to any swine flu viruses coming my way again! Later!