Friday, October 30, 2009

Explore. Dream. Discover

Mark Twain once said, "Twenty years from now you will be more dissapointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away... Explore. Dream. Discover." That pretty much sums the reason why I strive to do everything I can while at college. I don't know which industry I'm going to end up working in. I don't know which firm I'll work with. And neither do I know which country I'll work in. However, I do know that these remaining 1 and half years of my college life will never come back.

Whether it's the Consulting Workshop, the Honors program, being an RA, a Kelley Student Ambassador or searching for an internship. I don't do things because I have to, instead I do them because I want to. It's very simple, yet complex. I have a love-hate relationship with everything I do. Some days I enjoy doing it all, and sometimes it all adds up to piles of workload. I don't know what I enjoy more - the feeling I get when I complete all my tasks for the week, or the part where I'm actually struggling to keep up with things.

There's a whole lot I want to do before I graduate. I want to get CPR/First-Aid and AED certified. I can't imagine what it would be like if I can save a life. I want to go sky-diving, haven't done that before and I know I won't be able to when I'm older. So now's the time. I want learn a new language. While odds of that happening are very low, it's worth a try.

Each day I look forward to getting done with this semester. And then I remember, that would mean one less semester at college! So what do I do? I continue to explore. dream. discover. Thank you Mark Twain!

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