Monday, February 15, 2010

Spring Semester So Far!

So whoever said that I-Core is the worst semester and life only goes uphill from there was incorrect. I have 18 credit-hours this semester and work seems to end and even if does, I realize I have something else to do! My week's been unevenly divided between my 7 classes, IUDM (ftk!) and RA stuff. It's great to be running around this campus navigating my way through the accumulated inches of snow that never seems to melt away. The constant flurries in the sky, the constant buzz of my iPhone's new email tone, and people slipping on ice pretty much describes my walk from one class to another everyday.

Here's a weather update - It's snowed over 10 inches in the last 24 hours, but it's not a foot of snow. It's enough to make walking to class or rather just getting to class, quite an ordeal. However, it isn't enough for snow day. That's unfortunate. The constant weather warnings would be fun if they would lead to snow day. But no. No snow day for us. Walk to class. Fall. Watch other people falling. Repeat!

It's so nice to be back on this campus! All this work only adds to the stress and fun of college. So much is going on that I want to write all about it. Since I have 3 mid-term's this week, I'm going to defer that until the weekend. But for those of you reading this, stay tuned because I'll be writing about a whole lot of exciting stuff!

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