Wednesday, March 3, 2010

7 Weeks In!

I just got done with my mid-terms today and I realized that 7 weeks of this semester are already over. It's March and I feel like January was only yesterday. Time flies and it's awfully scary to see it go by so quickly. The last couple of weeks have been extremely interesting and tiresome. I officially concluded that I preferred last fall semester doing I-Core. Pre-Icore classes are fun, demanding, challenging, but they have a stint of hope in them, that makes getting desired grades possible.

As I sit in my classes post I-core, they are fun, demanding, challenging, with little hope to achieve desired goals without sipping dropping all other life activities. The classes themselves are not impossible, but combining both Accounting and Finance ones with 18credits is a nightmare. Which would also conclude why I haven't been updating my blog as often. So what keeps me going?? Spring Break 2010 and Little 500. Spring break is a week away and Little 500 is approaching fast! These two events are always the highlight of my spring semesters at IU!

Here's what I have done these past 7 weeks:
1. Got First-Aid and CPR certified through the Office of Risk Management at IU!
2. Was officially appointed as the Community Manager at the new housing on Union Street.It's a step up from my RA responsibilities and I get to live in a sweet apartment.
3. Went ice-skating and fell countless times. Woke up the next morning with a soar back. But it was worth it.
4. Started working on IUDM 2010 with some amazing committee members on the team. We've started fund-raising so if you want to help me reach my goal visit:
5. Met my adviser and vented about my classes [Actually this is still on my to-do list]

There's always so much going on at IU! I'll be sure to write while on Spring Break!

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