Saturday, March 27, 2010

New Apartments on Campus

I can officially announce that I’m going to be a Community Manager at the New Housing Apartment Complex on 10th street starting in the fall. The complex is yet to be named so I’ll call it Union Street housing for now. With 7 buildings spread from building A on 10th street to building G on 7th street. The complex is the first time a new residential housing build in 40 years.

The concept of on-campus apartments is extremely new. We’re a 8 member staff and have already started working on the logistics of how we’ll function next year. Being a part of the inaugural staff is not only an honor but it’s also very exciting! I had the opportunity to take a tour of a sample apartment last week and absolutely loved it. It’s going to be challenging to be on call for all 7 buildings at once as opposed to 5 RAs on duty for 2 buildings. My position bestows upon me the responsibility of making sure the building keeps rolling all year long, every day, all night. Our team of 6 other students and 1 professional staff member is simply amazing. I can already tell I’ll love working with them. We all have very different backgrounds. Some of them are from Indiana, some out of state and International! We’re all pursuing a range of majors. So we’re definatelly bringing in lots of diversity!

Next year is going to be exciting. I can already see myself running from one building to another responding to calls. But I can also see myself working out in our own gym and have hot soup from our own c-store on a cold winter night. I’m glad I’ve stuck with RPS all these years and I’m hoping next year with them is going to bring a completely new experience my way!

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